IR Built-ins

Along with the instructions the CASM-IR defines a set of built-ins that provide additional functionality for more arithmetic and compare operations, basic output routines, and the explicit casting facility.

Because CASM-IR is strongly typed, no implicit type casts are performed. Every cast of a primitive type has to be made explicitly by the appropriate casting built-in. So there exists for every primitive type a full set of type relations for several casting cases. For example, if we just look at a trivial case of casting from a Boolean to a Binary type, the asBinary casting built-in is defined as presented in the following equation. A Boolean value a gets transformed to a b-digit Binary type, e.g. asBinary(true, 10) would result in a 10-digit Binary type value of 1. \begin{align*} asBinary & : Boolean * Integer \rightarrow Binary( b ), b \neq undef \land b > 0 \\ asBinary( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~a = undef \\ sym' & \text{if } ~a = sym \\ 0 & \text{if } ~a = false \\ 1 & \text{if } ~a = true \\ \end{cases} \\ \end{align*}

CASM-IR provides a set of bit-precise manipulation built-ins such as zero extend, sign extend, truncation, signed/unsigned addition, count leading zeros, and so on. Following equation exemplary presents the semantics of the zero extend binary built-in. \begin{align*} zext & : Binary(n) * Integer \rightarrow Binary( b ), b > n \\ zext( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \veebar (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ~(a = sym ) \lor (b = sym ) \\ a & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \end{align*}

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