IR Instructions

Basic expressions, terms and state-modifying rules are represented as instructions in a Single Static Assignment (SSA) form. So produced results of instructions are stored in registers and the type is directly yielded from the specified instruction. So any instruction can be specified by a resulting unique register name, an instruction name and possible instruction operands with explicit types. Basic ASM rules like skip, or the definition of execution semantics (fork and merge) are represented as a single instructions. Novel in CASM-IR is that it explicitly models the reading (lookup) and writing (update) of ASM functions by dedicated instructions. All instructions follow the given Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) grammar definition:

Register    ::= "%" identifier
Global      ::= "@" identifier
Argument    ::= Type [ Register | Global ]
Instruction ::= Register "=" identifier [ Argument { "," Argument }* ]

A location instruction performs the function location calculation. How the location is calculated is not fixed and has to be decided in the run-time implementation. E.g. a common technique would be the calculation of a function location by a hashing algorithm. Listing given below shows an example specification of a unary function location calculation with a defined relation $f : Integer → Integer$. The result of the location instruction yields a location type constant.

%r0 = ;; ... calculation which yields result of type ’i’
%r1 = location < i -> i > @f, i %r0 ;; yields type ’loc’

The lookup instruction determines at a certain point in the specification, which state value is assigned to a certain function depending on the nested parallel and sequential execution semantics. The argument needed to perform a lookup is a location constant. Listing given below depicts an example lookup for a unary function with relation $f : Integer → Integer$. The result of the lookup instruction yields a constant of the return type from the used function, in this case an integer type i.

%r0 = ;; ... calculation which yields result of type ’i’
%r1 = location < i -> i > @f , i %r0 ;; yields type ’loc’
%r2 = lookup loc %r1 ;; yields type ’i ’

An update instruction produces a new location and value pair, which gets applied to the surrounding (local) function state also known as pseudo state. Therefore, an update instruction needs besides the exact calculated function location a value operand. Listing given below shows an example update of a unary function with the relation $f : Integer → Integer$.

%r0 = ;; ... calculation which yields result of type ’i’
%r1 = location < i -> i > @f , i %r0 ;; yields type ’loc’
update loc %r1 , i %r0

Similar to traditional assembler languages, the CASM-IR includes a call instruction as well, but this call instruction is used for multiple invocation types. It is used to call specified ASM rules, ASM derived expressions, and pre-defined CASM-IR built-ins either directly by its name or indirectly through a register value of a reference type. Listing given below shows two examples; 1) shows a direct call of a rule foo with relation $foo : Integer \rightarrow Integer$; 2) shows a indirect call of a rule bar with relation $bar : Integer \rightarrow Integer$ through a register:

@c0 = i 123
;; ...
%r0 = call < i -> i > @foo, i @c0 ;; yields type ’i’
;; ...
@c1 = r< i -> i > @demo
%r2 = call r< i -> i > @c1, i @c0 ;; yields type ’i’

To perform intermediate calculations (expressions, terms, and so on), we define the following logical, compare, and arithmetic instructions with their semantics accordingly.

Arithmetic Instructions

\begin{align*} add & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Integer \\ add( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a + b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ sub & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Integer \\ sub( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a - b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ mul & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Integer \\ mul( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a * b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ mod & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Integer \\ mod( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a \% b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ div & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Integer \\ div( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \lor (b = 0) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq 0) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b = sym)) \\ 0 & \text{if } ((a = 0) \land (b \neq 0 )) \veebar ((a = 0 ) \land (b = sym)) \\ \dfrac{a}{b} & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \end{align*}

Compare Instructions

\begin{align*} equ & : Type * Type \rightarrow Boolean \\ equ( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} true & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \land (b = undef) \\ false & \text{if } ((a = undef) \land (b \neq sym )) \veebar ((a \neq sym) \land (b = undef)) \\ sym' & \text{if } ~(a = sym ) \lor (b = sym ) \\ a = b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases}\\ \\ neq & : Type * Type \rightarrow Boolean \\ neq( a, b ) &= not( equ( a, b ) ) \\ \\ gre & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Boolean \\ gre( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (b = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a > b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ geq & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Boolean \\ geq( a, b ) &= or( equ( a, b ), gre( a, b ) ) \\ \\ les & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Boolean \\ les( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} undef & \text{if } ~(a = undef) \lor (b = undef) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a \neq undef) \land (a = sym )) \veebar ((a = sym) \land (b \neq undef)) \\ a < b & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ leq & : Integer * Integer \rightarrow Boolean \\ leq( a, b ) &= or( equ( a, b ), les( a, b ) ) \end{align*}

Logical Instructions

\begin{align*} not & : Boolean \rightarrow Boolean \\ not( a ) &= \begin{cases} true & \text{if } ~a = false \\ false & \text{if } ~a = true \\ sym' & \text{if } ~a = sym \\ undef & \text{if } ~a = undef \end{cases} \\ or & : Boolean * Boolean \rightarrow Boolean \\ or( a, b ) &= \begin{cases} true & \text{if } ~(a = true) \veebar (b = true ) \\ false & \text{if } ~(a = false) \land (b = false) \\ sym' & \text{if } ((a = sym) \land (b \neq true )) \veebar ((a \neq true) \land (b = sym)) \\ undef & \text{if } ~otherwise \end{cases} \\ \\ and & : Boolean * Boolean \rightarrow Boolean \\ and( a, b ) &= not( or( not( a ), not( b ) ) ) \\ \\ xor & : Boolean * Boolean \rightarrow Boolean \\ xor( a, b ) &= and( or( a, b ), not( and( a, b ) ) ) \\ \end{align*}

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