This page describes the CASM syntax by describing the complete Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF) grammar rules.
Specification ::= Header Definitions
Every CASM specification consists of a header and definitions part.
Header ::= Attributes "CASM" | "CASM"
In the header part the keyword CASM
required to denote the start of a CASM specification. Optional attributes can be specified as well.
Definitions ::= Definitions AttributedDefinition | AttributedDefinition
Definitions consist of one or more attributed definition.
AttributedDefinition ::= Attributes Definition | Definition
An attributed definition consists of a definition with optionally Attributes
assigned to it.
Definition ::= InitDefinition | EnumerationDefinition | DerivedDefinition | RuleDefinition | FunctionDefinition | UsingDefinition | UsingPathDefinition | InvariantDefinition | ImportDefinition
The Definition
grammar rule defines all possible CASM definition sections.
InitDefinition ::= "init" IdentifierPath | "init" "{" Initializers "}"
An init
definition is used to specify and control the initialization phase of the ASM agents during a run of an CASM specification.
The possible initialization variants are:
which are surrounded by curly brackets.0.2.0
It was indirectly present in version 0.1.0
by now it has its own dedicated AST representation.
EnumerationDefinition ::= "enumeration" Identifier "=" "{" Enumerators "}"
An enumeration
definition allows to declare user-defined enumeration
types (domains) in a CASM specification.
Every enumeration is identified by its Identifier
and creates with
the same name a namespace in the specification for all of its Enumerators
DerivedDefinition ::= "derived" Identifier "->" Type "=" Term | "derived" Identifier "(" Parameters ")" "->" Type "=" Term
A derived
definition enables to specify derived functions
which are identified by its Identifier
If a derived has parameters, the function signature has to be fully typed.
By default a derived Term
is side-effect free in the sense that it does
not produce any updates to modify the ASM in any way.
Additionally a derived function can be attributed by pure
to indicate
that the result of the defined Term
can be statically computed at compile-time.
RuleDefinition ::= "rule" Identifier "=" Rule | "rule" Identifier "->" Type "=" Rule | "rule" Identifier "(" Parameters ")" "=" Rule | "rule" Identifier "(" Parameters ")" "->" Type "=" Rule
A rule
definition defines a named rule which is identified by its Identifier
name and an assigned Rule
to it. Every rule definition can have zero, one, or multiple typed Parameters
and an optionally return Type
The following two examples of the rule foo
and bar
have the same type relation representation:
rule foo( x : Integer, y : String ) = skip rule bar( x : Integer, y : String ) -> Void = skip
(not Void
) of a rule will be supported in version 0.5.0
For now every rule is defined as n-ary function relation type with result type Void
FunctionDefinition ::= "function" Identifier ":" MaybeFunctionParameters "->" Type MaybeDefined MaybeInitially
A function
definition enables the creation of global ASM state functions with a defined type relation. Additionally every function initial state can be specified through MaybeInitially
Furthermore, due to the fact that ASM functions are by default undef
(undefined) over the whole value domain, the MaybeDefined
optionally enables the definition of a defined default value.
In order to evaluate a CASM function as symbolic in the symbolic/concolic execution and include it in the TPTP trace, the function has to set the attribute symbolic
is introduced in version 0.6.0
EnumeratorDefinition ::= Identifier | Attributes Identifier
An enumerator definition are Identifier
with optionally Attributes
assigned to them.
Enumerators ::= Enumerators "," EnumeratorDefinition | EnumeratorDefinition
Consist of one or more EnumeratorDefinition
which are separated by a comma character.
UsingDefinition ::= "using" Identifier "=" Type
A using
definition enables to define type aliases which are identified by its Identifier
and assigned to a certain Type
named MyType
using MyType = Integer
UsingPathDefinition ::= "using" IdentifierPath | "using" IdentifierPath "::" "*"
A using
path definition makes symbols of imported module determined by its IdentifierPath
visible in the current specification.
If the symbol path ends with an star (*
), then all symbols of the specified module path are made visible in the current specification.
InvariantDefinition ::= "invariant" Identifier "=" Term
An invariant
definition allows to globally specify a condition (constrain) which has to be fulfilled during the whole ASM run.
Therefore, the invariant identified by its Identifier
name gets checked of the current ASM state during all ASM steps.
If an invariant does violate the defined condition (constrain) an exception is raised.
ImportDefinition ::= "import" IdentifierPath | "import" IdentifierPath "as" Identifier
Through the import
definition it is possible to load external specifications and modules into the specification.
The provided identifier path is used to search inside the specification base path for the requested specification.
If the imported specification does belong to an external module, the import has to be defined externally via a CASM project YAML file.
By default, if no import renaming (as
identifier) is specified, the last identifier in the given import path is used.
Rules ::= Rules Rule | Rule
Consists of one or more Rule
grammar rules.
Rule ::= SkipRule | ConditionalRule | CaseRule | LetRule | LocalRule | ForallRule | ChooseRule | IterateRule | BlockRule | SequenceRule | UpdateRule | CallRule | WhileRule
The Rule
grammar rule defines all possible CASM rules.
SkipRule ::= "skip"
The skip
rule defines that no operation or rule shall be performed
at this position in a CASM specification.
ConditionalRule ::= "if" Term "then" Rule | "if" Term "then" Rule "else" Rule
The conditional rule provides a branching facility to evaluate a certain sub-rule if
the guarding Term
is true
Additionally an else
rule can be specified to be evaluated if the condition is not fulfilled.
CaseRule ::= "case" Term "of" "{" CaseLabels "}"
A case
rule allows to define multiple cases through CaseLabels
which are evaluated if the given Term
matches the specified CaseLabel
CaseLabels ::= CaseLabels CaseLabel | CaseLabel
Consist of one or more CaseLabel
grammar rules.
CaseLabel ::= "default" ":" Rule | "_" ":" Rule | Term ":" Rule
A case
label defines the matching Term
and the Rule
to be evaluated if the case
expression matches.
To specify a default
case and Rule
to be evaluated if no match is found, the keyword default
or the underline (_
) character can be used.
LetRule ::= "let" VariableBindings "in" Rule
A let
rule defines a new scope where the defined VariableBindings
are used
for the evaluation in
the sub-rule Rule
LocalRule ::= "local" LocalFunctionDefinitions "in" Rule
The local
rule defines a function definition in the current rule scope.
Therefore, it represents a local state inside a given rule.
ForallRule ::= "forall" AttributedVariables "in" Term "do" Rule | "forall" AttributedVariables "in" Term "with" Term "do" Rule
A forall
rule defines AttriubtedVariables
which range in
a given domain Term
to evaluate (do
) a specified Rule
in parallel.
Additionally a filter condition can be specified by with
ChooseRule ::= "choose" AttributedVariables "in" Term "do" Rule
A choose
rule allows to specify a selection of AttributedVariables
to be chosen in
a given Term
one value per variable to evaluate a given rule.
IterateRule ::= "iterate" Rule
A iterate
rule specifies that a certain Rule
gets iterated as long as it
does not produce any more updates.
BlockRule ::= "{" Rules "}" | "par" Rules "endpar"
The block rule specifies that given Rules
shall be evaluated with a parallel execution semantics.
SequenceRule ::= "{|" Rules "|}" | "seq" Rules "endseq"
The sequence rule specifies that given Rules
shall be evaluated
with a sequential execution semantics.
UpdateRule ::= DirectCallExpression ":=" Term
The update rule specifies the producing of changes to the
ASM global state by assigning a Term
to a function symbol.
CallRule ::= CallExpression
A call rule allows to invoke other named rules (RuleDefinition
WhileRule ::= "while" Term "do" Rule
The while
rule is a CASM syntactical sugar for an iterate
rule , conditional rule, and skip
rule as:
iterate if not <Term> then skip else <Rule>
Terms ::= Terms "," Term | Term
Consist of one or multiple Term
grammar rules separated by comma characters.
Term ::= SimpleOrClaspedTerm | TypeCastingExpression | OperatorExpression | LetExpression | ConditionalExpression | ChooseExpression | UniversalQuantifierExpression | ExistentialQuantifierExpression | CardinalityExpression
The term grammar rule defines all possible term expressions which are available in the CASM specification language.
SimpleOrClaspedTerm ::= "(" Term ")" | CallExpression | LiteralCallExpression | Literal | "+" SimpleOrClaspedTerm | "-" SimpleOrClaspedTerm
This grammar rule combines simple expressions like Literal
as well as embraced Term
expressions surrounded by parentheses. Furthermore the rule defines the unary plus and minus operator expression.
OperatorExpression ::= Term "+" Term | Term "-" Term | Term "*" Term | Term "/" Term | Term "%" Term | Term "^" Term | Term "!=" Term | Term "=" Term | Term "<" Term | Term ">" Term | Term "<=" Term | Term ">=" Term | Term "or" Term | Term "xor" Term | Term "and" Term | Term "=>" Term | Term "implies" Term | "not" Term
The operator expression grammar rule defines all possible binary operator expressions ranging from arithmetic, comparing, and to logical ones.
CallExpression ::= DirectCallExpression | MethodCallExpression | IndirectCallExpression
A call expression enables to invoke function
and derived
DirectCallExpression ::= IdentifierPath | IdentifierPath "(" ")" | IdentifierPath "(" Terms ")"
In a direct call expressions an IdentifierPath
can be called with zero,
one, or multiple parameter Terms
supprounded by parentheses.
MethodCallExpression ::= SimpleOrClaspedTerm "." Identifier | SimpleOrClaspedTerm "." Identifier "(" ")" | SimpleOrClaspedTerm "." Identifier "(" Terms ")"
The method call expression invokes a method which is known
to the SimpleOrClaspedTerm
type with zero, one, or
multiple parameter Terms
surrounded by parentheses.
LiteralCallExpression ::= SimpleOrClaspedTerm "." IntegerLiteral
A literal call expression can access of a certain index
identified by its IntegerLiteral
of the
given SimpleOrClaspedTerm
IndirectCallExpression ::= CallExpression "(" ")" | CallExpression "(" Terms ")"
An indirect call expression can invoke function
or derived
value retrieval over an reference value.
TypeCastingExpression ::= SimpleOrClaspedTerm "as" Type
The type casting expression enables to specify type conversions
of an SimpleOrClaspedTerm
to (as
) a given Type
LetExpression ::= "let" VariableBindings "in" Term
A let
expression defines a new scope where the
defined VariableBindings
are used for the
evaluation in the sub-expression Term
ConditionalExpression ::= "if" Term "then" Term "else" Term
The conditional rule provides a branching facility to evaluate
a certain sub-expression Term
if the guarding Term
is true.
Furthermore an else
is specified to be evaluated if
the condition is not fulfilled. The resulting types of both
paths shall be of the same type.
ChooseExpression ::= "choose" AttributedVariables "in" Term "do" Term
A choose
expression allows to specify a selection
of AttributedVariables
to be chosen in a given Term
one value per variable to evaluate a given Term
UniversalQuantifierExpression ::= "forall" AttributedVariables "in" Term "holds" Term
The universal quantifier expression checks forall
range in
a given domain Term
that a Term
is satisfied (holds
ExistentialQuantifierExpression ::= "exists" AttributedVariables "in" Term "with" Term
The existential quantifier expression checks that there exists
for given AttributedVariables
which range in
a given
domain Term
that a certain condition Term
is satisfied (with
CardinalityExpression ::= "|" SimpleOrClaspedTerm "|"
The cardinality expression enables to retrieve the number of elements of a given set.
Literal ::= UndefinedLiteral | BooleanLiteral | IntegerLiteral | RationalLiteral | DecimalLiteral | BinaryLiteral | StringLiteral | ReferenceLiteral | ListLiteral | RangeLiteral | TupleLiteral | RecordLiteral
The literal grammar rule defines all possible literals in the CASM specification language.
UndefinedLiteral ::= "undef"
The undef
(undefined) literal is used for all possible types to represent an undefined value.
BooleanLiteral ::= "true" | "false"
The Boolean literal represents all defined values of the Boolean
IntegerLiteral ::= "[0-9][0-9']*[0-9]*"
The Integer literal defines all possible defined values of the Integer
type. This literal supports user-defined digit grouping though the apostrophe character.
RationalLiteral ::= "0[rR][0-9][0-9']*[0-9]*(/[0-9][0-9']*[0-9]*)?"
The rational literal defines all possible defined values of the Rational
type to represent fraction values. This literal supports user-defined digit grouping though the apostrophe character for the nominator and denominator.
DecimalLiteral ::= "[0-9]+.[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?"
The decimal literal defines all possible defined values of the Decimal
BinaryLiteral ::= "0[bB][01][01']*[01]*" | "0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F']*[0-9a-fA-F]*"
The binary literal defines all possible defined values of the Binary
type. It can be defined in binary notation (prefixed 0b
) or hexadecimal notation (prefixed 0x
StringLiteral ::= '"'.*'"'
The string literal defines all possible defined values of the String
ReferenceLiteral ::= "@" IdentifierPath
The reference literal defines a defined reference value of a given symbol identified by IdentifierPath
. The at (@
) character denotes that a reference literal shall be constructed of the given symbol name.
ListLiteral ::= "[" "]" | "[" Terms "]"
The list literal defines a new defined list value.
It can construct an empty list or a list with predefined Terms
The list element type is inferred from the provided Terms
In case of an empty list, the usage of the empty list has to provide a type context to infer the correct inner list element type.
RangeLiteral ::= "[" Term ".." Term "]"
The range literal is used to construct value ranges of a certain type domain. The range type is inferred from the given start and end Term
TupleLiteral ::= "(" Terms "," Term ")"
The tuple literal is used to construct tuple values of two or more Term
RecordLiteral ::= "(" Assignments ")"
The record literal is used to construct record values and the inner record elements are addressed by their name through Assignments
Assignments ::= Assignments "," Assignment | Assignment
Consists of one or more Assignment
grammar rules.
Assignment ::= Identifier ":" Term
An assignment binds a Term
to a given symbol name identified by its Identifier
Types ::= Types "," Type | Type
Consists of one or more Type
grammar rules separated by a comma character.
Type ::= BasicType | TupleType | RecordType | TemplateType | RelationType | FixedSizedType
The Type
grammar rule defines all possible CASM type constructs.
BasicType ::= IdentifierPath
A basic type symbol name is defined and identified by its IdentifierPath
TupleType ::= "(" Types "," Type ")"
A tuple type can be defined by two or more inner Type
separated by a comma character and surrounded with parentheses.
RecordType ::= "(" TypedVariables "," TypedVariable ")"
A record type can be defined by two or more inner TypedVariable
separated by a comma character and surrounded with parentheses.
TemplateType ::= IdentifierPath "<" Types ">"
A template type can be defined by one or more inner template Types
surrounded by angle brackets and identified by its IdentifierPath
RelationType ::= IdentifierPath "<" MaybeFunctionParameters "->" Type ">"
A relation type is defined through a symbol name identified by its IdentifierPath
, some optional n-ary MaybeFunctionParameters
, and a return (result) Type
domain separated by an arrow (→
) token and surrounded by angle brackets.
FixedSizedType ::= IdentifierPath "'" Term
This grammar rule allows to restrict certain types which is specified by the given Term
e.g. to a pre-defined size, length, or range.
FunctionParameters ::= FunctionParameters "*" Type | Type
Function parameters are constructed through one or more Type
separated by an asterix (*
) character.
MaybeFunctionParameters ::= FunctionParameters | null
Consists optionally of some FunctionParameters
Parameters ::= Parameters "," TypedAttributedVariable | TypedAttributedVariable
Parameters are constructed through one or more TypedAttributedVariable
separated by a comma character.
MaybeDefined ::= "defined" "{" Term "}" | null
This grammar rule is used in FunctionDefinition
to optionally set a defined
value of the resulting type domain of a function
to a given Term
MaybeInitially ::= "=" "{" Initializers "}" | null
This grammar rule is used in FunctionDefinition
to optionally set a initially
value given as Initializers
Initializers ::= Initializers "," Initializer | Initializer
Initializers are constructed through one or more Initializer
which are separated by an comma character.
Initializer ::= Term | "(" Term ")" "->" Term | TupleLiteral "->" Term
An initializer is used to define function value initialization over a n-ary function location.
Identifier ::= "([a-ZA-Z_]|UTF8){([a-zA-Z_0-9]|UTF8)}*" | "in"
Represents a symbol (function
, derived
etc.) in a CASM specification.
IdentifierPath ::= IdentifierPath "::" Identifier | Identifier
An identifier path is constructed through one or more Idenitifer
which are separated by an double colon (::
) token.
Variable ::= TypedVariable | Identifier
A variable can either be a in typed or non-typed form. If just an Identifier
is provided as variable name, a compiler analyze pass will infer the correct type of the variable.
AttributedVariables ::= AttributedVariables "," AttributedVariable | AttributedVariable
Certain expression statements like ForallExpression
or ChooseExpression
require one or multiple attributed variables which shall be separated by a comma character.
TypedVariables ::= TypedVariables "," TypedVariable | TypedVariable
Multiple typed variables are separated by a comma character.
TypedVariable ::= Identifier ":" Type
A typed variable consists of an Identifier
and an associated Type
which are separated by a colon character.
AttributedVariable ::= Attributes Variable | Variable
An attributed variable are variables which can have optionally Attributes
associated to them.
TypedAttributedVariable ::= Attributes TypedVariable | TypedVariable
A typed attributed variable are typed variables which can have optionally Attributes
associated to them.
VariableBindings ::= VariableBindings "," VariableBinding | VariableBinding
The let rule and expression can have one or multiple variable bindings. Those are separated by a comma character.
VariableBinding ::= AttributedVariable "=" Term
A variable binding assigns (binds) an AttributedVariable
to a given Term
LocalFunctionDefinitions ::= LocalFunctionDefinitions "," AttributedLocalFunctionDefinition | AttributedLocalFunctionDefinition
LocalFunctionDefinitions consist of one or more attributed LocalFunctionDefintions
AttributedLocalFunctionDefinition ::= Attributes LocalFunctionDefinition | LocalFunctionDefinition
An attributed local function definition which can have optionally Attributes
LocalFunctionDefinition ::= Identifier ":" MaybeFunctionParameters "->" Type MaybeDefined MaybeInitially
The same as a traditional FunctionDefinition
without a function
Attributes ::= Attributes Attribute | Attribute
Certain elements like definitions or variables in a CASM specification can have none, one, or multiple attributes associated to them.
Attribute ::= "[" BasicAttribute "]" | "[" ExpressionAttribute "]"
An attribute can have two manifestations - a basic-based or a expression-based attribute. Every attribute has to be surrounded by a square brackets.
BasicAttribute ::= Identifier
A basic attributed is just represented by a simple Identifier
The possible names for basic attributes are checked in an compiler analyze pass.
attribute for a function definition:
[ static ] function C_of_CASM : -> String initially { "Corinthian" }
ExpressionAttribute ::= Identifier Term
In contrast to a BasicAttribute
the expression attribute allows to define a full expression Term
which is identified by its Identifier